Sabtu, 10 April 2010


Doa ku slalu untuk kedua otang tua
doa ku tiada henti untuk mereka
dan tentunya untuk diriku sendiri aku hanya ingin orang terdekatku bahagia

Too much love will kill you

hhhmmmmmm cinta yang dapat membunuhmu...
disaat kamu benar-benar mencintai seseorang tapi dia tidak mempedulikan mu..
tapi kamu terus barharap... untuk dapat bersamanya....


asaku hanya ingin slalu melihat senyum kedua orang tua ku...
aku ingin mereka slalu bahagia dan membuat mereka bangga


Hasrat ku yang terpendam.....
walau kamu tak bisa menjadi yang terbaik untukku,,
tapi aku ingin kamu dapat menjadiyang terbaik untuk mu dan rang lain...
cobalah setia pada satu hati
walau mungkin itu sulit bagimu

Jumat, 09 April 2010

conditional sentences

The flat abs diet: use our six eating strategies to get a sleeker belly

Just can't get rid of your flabby belly, even though you do sit-ups and crunches until you're ready to drop? Maybe you're so mortified by the condition of your abs that you've relegated your bikini and lowrise jeans to the dark recesses of your closet.

Before you dump on (or just plain dump) your workout for not giving you killer abs, you should know the real culprit may be your diet -- or even your high-stress lifestyle.

If you want to go from fat to fab abs, new research shows that what you eat is just as important as how -- or even how much -- you work out. And lifestyle counts, too, because stress doesn't just mess with your head, it also can induce a pooch.

Following are six strategies from the country's leading weight-loss, nutrition and stress experts, all designed to get you flat abs in just four weeks (see our "4-Week Fiber-Up Guide"), plus three delicious, lowfat recipes that will fill you up without making you look or feel bloated.

adjective clause

Accept people for who they are, not who you want them to be. When you've got all these fantasies flying around in your head about how wonderful and special your soulmate will be, it can be easy to look for those specific characteristics and features in anyone you get involved with. Unfortunately, unrealistic expectations can ruin a relationship, and might even chase your soulmate away. Whoever it is that you think might be your soulmate, appreciate their individuality and trust that if this person is your soulmate, they'll never need to change who they are for you, just like you'll never need to change who you are for them. That doesn't mean that you can't encourage them to try something new or help them to grow as a person, just don't force things on them that they are not comfortable with.

rev :

Behind the music : the creation of Indonesian first concert hall

Behind the music : the creation of Indonesian first concert hall

The establishment of Indonesia’s first concert hall, Aula Simfonia Jakarta, marked the fulfillment of a life-long dream for prominent artistic director and principal conductor of the Jakarta Oratorio Society Dr Stephen Tong and Aula Simfonia Jakarta project director Alwi Sjaal.
“When Dr. Tong came to me and said, ‘Alwi, we’re going to build a concert hall’, to me it was like lightning struck in front of my face,” Alwi said.
“I’ve studied in Germany, I’ve been to Europe and I always go back there to see concerts. So while my dream has not been as long as Stephen Tong’s, I always thought that one day we should have a concert hall in Indonesia,” he said.
The movement for a concert hall in Jakarta, in Kemayoran, Central Java, was first realized by Dr Tong approximately 50 years ago.
“Because Dr Tong was a classical music lover and he used to conduct several oratorio and simfonia, he always wished that one day Indonesia could have a concert hall. But up until this moment nothing has been built and no other businessmen or the Government have paid attention to a cultural problem like a concert hall,” Alwi said.
“So he thought we should do it because a nation or a city like Jakarta needs a concert hall, not only as a place we can be proud of, but as a place we can educate people and present good music to the people.”
The Rp 100 billion concert hall is built on a 1200sqm property in Kemayoran, Central Jakarta. The property is part of the Reformed Millennium Centre of Indonesia, which includes the Messiah Cathedral that was also designed by Dr Tong.
The concert hall was financially supported by public donations and by music lovers who believed the project was a worthy cause.
Construction on the six-storey building began in 2006 and the interior was completed in October last year.
Alwi said the most creative part of the hall was the way it was designed to emphasize the acoustics and prevent other noises overpowering the orchestra.
The ceiling consists of three layers with the air-conditioning placed in the top part to reduce the sound of it echoing in the hall.
The notches in the walls, where the statues are placed, also act as an acoustic feature with the sound flowing into them and bouncing back to the audience resulting in a ‘beautifully acoustic sound’.
“These were all part of the plans of Dr Tong. We didn’t use any acoustic consultant like other symphony concert halls around the world because we simply did not have the budget,” Alwi said.
Alwi was also heavily involved in the interior design of the building.
“When we started to discuss the style of the design, as a young architect, I immediately said we should use a contemporary style for this concert hall since it was built in this century. But Dr Tong is a more traditional person and he always thought that the classical music would relate better with a classical design,” he added.
They worked with an artist in Yogyakarta to create the Greek-style golden statues which surround the auditorium.
“I went there [to Yogyakarta] almost every week to advice on corrections regarding the posture, the movement, the musical instruments they were holding, the expressions on their faces, how the garments had to be folded, everything. We discussed all kinds of things throughout the production. It was very interesting,” Alwi said.
The layout of the hall reinforces the desire to provide an intimate setting between musicians and concert-goers. The 1200 seats are dispersed right around the stage so that an estimated 97 percent of concert-goers can see all the performers.
“We are not 100 percent perfect but we have tried to learn from the other concert halls and tried to build one with a low budget using our own effort but with better quality,” Alwi said.
The core musical feature of the concert hall is a 1962 Cassavant organ purchased from a church in America. The 3,217 piped organ weighs more than 10 metric tons and cost US$400,000 to have it shipped to Jakarta and reconditioned. Lina Runtuwene was the first person to play it during the inauguration concert in October 2009.
The classical music performances are already proving popular among Jakartans, with 85 percent of the seats being occupied at the inauguration concert, and 95 percent at the Christmas concert.
In preparing the year’s concert schedule, Alwi consulted with concert-goers as to how often people would pay to go to a classical concert.
It was decided to hold a concert once a month but as the knowledge of a concert hall in Jakarta has spread, more and more musicians are requesting the opportunity to perform there.
“We may have to have two or three concerts a month because the demand is there,” he said.
It is hoped that cheap children’s concerts will be performed to give children the opportunity to experience and appreciate classical music at a young age. However, it’s not only the children they hope to educate in the ways of classical music.
The staff of Aula Simfonia Jakarta have also found themselves teaching older concert-goers the codes of etiquette in a ‘professional concert’ situation.
“You should not come late and if you come late you are not allowed in. I say to my staff, if people get mad, let them get mad because internationally, when a concert begins nobody is allowed to go in. Using a mobile phone, drinking aqua, eating sweets, the way they dress, everything. We really have to make a big effort to educate about this etiquette,” Alwi said.
“It’s not easy, but it’s something we have got to do.”

from : garuda magazine

Curhat Colongan

Emang paling susah yah untuk melupakan seseorang yang pernah mengisi hari – hari kita, walaupun dia ada hanya sesaat, walaupun dia pernah membuat kita menangis, hhmmm tapi kita hidup untuk masa depan bukan untuk masa lalu. Sesulit apapun kita harus berusaha untuk hal itu.


Terima kasih
untuk kedua orang tua aku yang sudah mendidik dan membesarkan aku dengan kasih sayang sampai aku seperti ini.
Dan yang pasti terima kasih juga untuk sahabat – sahabat aku yang telah mendukung aku selama ini, yang selalu ada disaat sedih dan senang.

Perkedel Tahu dan Sayuran

Perkedel Tahu dan Sayuran

Resep ini sangat mudah selain proses pembuatan yang tidak lama, bahan-bahanya pun mudah didapatkan. Berikut ini bahan-bahan yang dibutuhkan dan cara pembuatannya


250gr tahu cina
50gr wortel
50gr jagung manis
1 buah paprika merah
2 btg daun bawang
2 butir telur
300ml minyak goreng
5 siung bawang merah goreng
4 siung bawang putih goreng
½ the lada bubuk
Penyedap rasa secukupnya

- Siangi bahan-bahan : wortel dikupas lalu dipotong dadu, tahu dihaluskan, jagung dipipil, paprika dipotong dadu dan daun bawang iris tipis. Sisihkan.
- Haluskan bawang merah dan bawang putih, lada.
- Masukan semua bahan kedalam wadah, aduk hingga bahan rata. Tambahkan telur dan bumbu halus.
- Panaskan minya, ambil 2 sendok makan adonan bentuk bulat lonjong dan goring hingga matang kuning kecoklatan angkat dan tiriskan.

Nb : untuk 6 porsi….

Diet Cegah Aterosklerosis

Diet Cegah Aterosklerosis

Tiga jenis diet, yakni gaya mediterania, rendah lemak, dan rendah karbohidrat sama – sama efektif mencegah aterosklerosis. Aterosklerosis atau menebalnya dinding pembuluh darah arteri karena timbunan lemak (plak) merupakan salah satu penyebab stroke dan penyakit jantung.
Halini dibuktikan oleh tim peneliti dari The-Ben-Gurion University, Israel, baru-baru ini. Seperti dilansir, kemarin, studi itu dilakukan terhadap 140 orang yang mengalami kegemukan. Sebagian besar dari mereka laki-laki berusia 40-65 tahun.
Tiap-tiap responden diharuskan memilih dan menjalani satu diantara tiga jenis diet. Yakni rendah lemak, rendah karbohidrat, dan gaya mediterania (mengonsumsi banyak buah-buahan dan sayuran serta minyak zaitun sebagai sumber lemak utama). Mereka dipantau sebelum 2 tahun.
Dengan alat radiology tiga dimensi, para peneliti mengukur volume dinding arteri carotid para responden. Arteri carotid adalah arteri dileher, tempat dilaluinya darah menuju otak. Hasilnya diketahui volume dinding arteri berkurang 5%.
“tiga jenis diet yang sangat berlainan ini ternyata memiliki efek yang sama. Ini fakta yang menarik, “ ujar pemimpin tim peneliti ; Iris Shai. (*/S-7)

Rev : Media Indonesia

Pare Hambat Pertumbuhan Kanker?

Pare Hambat Pertumbuhan Kanker?

Sebuah studi yang dilakukan tim peneliti dari Universitas Colorado, AS, menemukan adanya kandungan zat tertentu dalam pare yang dapat menghambat perkembangan kanker payudara. Ekstrak sayuran itu memadamkan sinyal yang memerintahkan sel kanker untuk membelah diri. Sebaliknya, itu mengaktifkan sinyal – sinyal yang mendorong sel tersebut untuk bunuh diri.
Meski begitu, Dr Rajesh Agarwal, salah seorang peneliti, mengatakan kemampuan pare menghambat pertumbuhan kanker payudara masih perlu diuji coba pada binatang dan manusia. “Studi ini mungkin memberi kita satu lagi ekstra yang dapat melawan kanker payudara, jika peneliti selanjutnya juga membuktikannya. Itu disebabkan belum terdapat bukti yang menunjukan mengonsumsi banyak pare dapat melindungi kita dari kanker”.
Jessica Harris dari riset kanker Inggris tidak mau terburu – buru mengambil kesimpulan atas penelitian tersebut. “banyak zat kimia pada tumbuhan dapat membunuh sel-sel kanker didalam laboraturium, tetapi sedikit yang berakhir menjadi obat kanker. (EP/BBC News/X-9)
Rev : media Indonesia



Rasa syukur selalu aku panjatkan pada Allah SWT yang telah memberikan aku nikmat yang luar biasa dalam menjalani hidup.
Syukurilah atas apa yang kita miliki



Dia adalah seseorang yang pernah membuat hidupku berwarna dan bahagia,
Walaupun pada akhirnya dia membuatku menangis dan merasakan luka…
Tapi aku selalu berharap semoga dia mendapatkan yang terbaik dalam hidup dan semoga mendapatkan pengganti yang lebih baik dariku.



Kasih sayang yang tulus slalu diberikan orang tua terhadap buah hatinya tanpa mengharapkan balas jasa,
Kasih sayang mereka yang tulus diberikan sepanjang masa………..

Kamis, 08 April 2010



Terima kasih untuk kedua orang tua aku yang sudah mendidik dan membesarkan aku dengan kasih sayang sampai aku seperti ini.
Dan yang pasti terima kasih juga untuk sahabat – sahabat aku yang telah mendukung aku selama ini, yang selalu ada disaat sedih dan senang.

Rabu, 07 April 2010

Jakarta Blue minor league team still unbeaten in SEAYBST

Jakarta Blue minor league team still unbeaten in SEAYBST

Agnes Winarti


Jakarta blue baseball minor league team, a top contender at the ongoing South East Asia Youth Baseball and Softball Tournament (SEAYBST) In the capital, remains unbeaten after the first three days of the championship.

Jakarta Blue crushed Perth 8-4 (2-0-0-0-0-0, 3-2, 0-0, 3-2) in the boys minor league match on Tuesday.

“The teams were on par in regard to technique. We managed to capitalize on perth’s mistakes during the game and pressure them with aggressive play,” Jakarta Blue team manager Iwan Sadono told The Jakarta Post on Tuesday.

Jakarta Blue defeated compatriots Jakarta Silver 12-7 in Monday’s match, While on day one, Jakarta Blue crushed Bangkok 14-2.

The promising host team will meet Singapore on Wednesday and face-off against Manila on Thursday.

“Manila team will be our biggest threat because they are also an aggressive team, besides having great pitchers and their own professional coach”, said Iwan, adding that Jakarta Blue’s coach, Matt sinder was in fact a parent of one of a team member.

“I am convinced thet we will be able to outrun Singapore tomorrow”, added Iwan, whose son Aryo Damar plays a as pitcher, short stop and first baseman in the team.

The Singapore team will be tought to beat, proving their mettle by winning theie first two games against Bangkok (9-1) and Jakarta Silver (7-5).

“I saw [Singapore] play in a tour- ney last year in Singapore. They did not play well,’said Iwan in high spirit.

Jakarta Blue is a heavily tipped favorite to win this year’s SEAYBST at is it made up by most of the Rokies – the minor league champion team at at Jakarta Youth baseball Association (JYBA) Tournament, which ran from November last year to March this year.

The tournament, which runs until March 27,is divided into boy’s minor, major and senior league baseball and girl’s major and senior leagues.

In another baseball minor league’s match on Thuesday, Jakarta Silver beat Bangkok 17-13. meanwhile, in the baseball major league sector, Jakarta Blue defeated Jakarta Silver 7-0, Manila fell to Bangkok 10-12 and Pert 1-2 to Singapore.

In the baseball senior league, Bangkok crushed Perth2 10-5, while in the softball senior league, Manila2 lost to Peerth 6-10, and in the softball major, perth crushed Manila 28-2.

Four baseball minor league matches, three senior league matches, a major league match, and three girl’s softball matches scheduled on Thuesday ware stopped due to heavy rain.

Senin, 05 April 2010



maafku untuk seseorang tidak ada maksud untuk mempermainkan hatimu....
maafkan aku karena aku tidak bisa menjadikan mu bagian dari hatiku...
aku hanya bisa menganggapmu sebagai sahabatku...

maafkan aku karena aku tidak bisa mencintaimu....
karena aku sudah menganggapmu sebagai sahabat terbaikku....

hanya kata maaf yang bisa ku ucapkan pada mu......



Jika cinta bisa mengungkapkan segalanya,
Ceritakan apa yang sebenarnya terjadi antara aku dan dia....

Jika cinta bisa melihat segalanya,
Tunjukan padaku apa yang terlihat dimatanya...

Jika cinta bisa mendengar segalanya,
bisikan padaku apa yang terdengar dari hatinya...

Jika cinta bisa merasakan segalanya menangislah saat bersedih dan tertawalah disaat bahagia
Jika cinta bisa menyentuh segalanya bawalah tanganku untuk dapat meraba jiwanya

Active Sentence and Passive Sentence

* Active Sentence : kalimat yang subyeknya melakukan suatu tindakkan atau perbuatan

Ex : They killed a mouse

* Passive Sentence : kalimat yang subyeknya dikenai suatu tindakkan atau pekerjaan dan secara tata bahasa inggris diawali oleh kata depan (preposition) by yang artinya oleh

Ex : A mouse is killed by them

Sabtu, 03 April 2010


a. Present Tense
The sun shines bay day.
b. Present Continous Tense
My father is reading a newspaper.
c. Present Perfect Tense
I have been to Bali.
d. Present Perfect Tense
He has seen recently.
e. Past Tense
I went to the party of my friend and I enjoyed it very much.
f. Past Continous Tense
I was watching to the television when my mother came.
g. Past Perfect Tense
I had listened to the radio when my uncle came to see me.
h. Past Perfect Continous Perfect
He had been finishing her duty before her leader inspected it.